Friday, 7 December 2012

The Last Class Is Over

        Yeah. The last class is over. It was over a while ago but today when one of us posted a pic of himself standing in front of an auto, an auto that would start the journey to never returning to this city ever again. It was right then when it started to sink in. The last class is actually over. Just like that. And suddenly nothing seemed to matter. All those emotions slacking in my head for ages were gone. It didn't matter who was how annoying, where I screwed up horribly, who said what or even who tried to punch my face. All that stress over those projects and all that mental torture fades. All those lies said by me and to me where pointless. The energy spent on being jealous and angry ceased from my memory. The only thought that existed was, "it's done." I mean sure we'll see each other again. But I'll never be the same. If anything, we probably won't be the same person then. But all I'm actually trying to talk about is now. NOW! Not the future. Not the past. It doesn't matter if we fought yesterday or we'll be complete strangers tomorrow. The person you are right now should hear this. Even if we didn't speak much, even if we didn't even see each other much, I was always glad that you and I were part of this grand era. Even if it was for only a little while. When I'm going to see you next I will always remember the most awesome time of my life. The last class is over. So let's remember it as how it is right now: calm, content and proud.